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Bombt Strassen, kauft Heroin
"This state of lawlessness has allowed the widespread cultivation of the opium poppy, from which heroin is made. Afghanistan produced a peak of 4,500 tonnes in 1999, but production collapsed to just 185 tonnes in 2001 following a crackdown by the Taliban. However, it has since soared again, and the United Nations reckons that the country will produce 3,400 tonnes this year, almost three-quarters of world production. The rich rewards from the illegal drug trade have distorted the economy: opium now accounts for up to a third of the country’s national income. Moreover, demand for poppy-growers has driven agricultural wages out of the reach of farmers growing legal crops. It also makes poppy-growing much more attractive than working for the government, assuming that public-sector workers get paid. And so, roads remain rutted and schools unbuilt.
Farmers also favour poppies because they require less water than wheat, another staple—and decades of war have ruined the country’s irrigation canals. Roads have also been destroyed, making it almost impossible to transport wheat. But makeshift heroin labs have sprung up, and the expensive brown powder is light and easy to transport by motorbike. Since many police and officials have not received a salary in months, they are open to the temptation to turn a blind eye in return for bribes." (The Economist, 29. Juli 2003)

"Da laß ich mein Sparkassenkonto von Brillant auf Gammel downgraden, um zehn Euro im Monat zu sparen und sehe tapfer zu, wie der Herr meine Kreditkarten zerschnibbelt - und denn sagt er, wenn ich kein Einkommen habe, gibt es auch kein Dispo. Jetzt muß 72 Monate lang ich 25 Euro im Monat zurückzahlen (von 50 runtergehandelt) - hab also im Endeffekt 15 Euro weniger. Statt 130 Euro im Monat bleiben mir noch 115 zum Leben. Naja, kann ich wenigsten abnehmen bei."

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